Wednesday, June 6, 2007

being a "good one"

"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~Abraham Lincoln

I ripped this quote out of a free magazine that came in the mail today. It's made me think alot about alot...mostly about me and my life and what I want to be and accomplish. I have so many things pulling me in so many different directions. It's suffocating at times.

It's hard, because I think I'm too hard on myself at myself crap for not getting things done when I'd ideally like them to be done -- often times saying one thing and doing another.

My goal is to have my actions accomplish what my lips actually say. But, then there I go again...bashing on myself, and forgetting the essence of Mr. Lincoln's profound piece of advice.

So. For tonight and there are endless things that I am pretty sure I know that I cannot accomplish (for various reasons), I DO KNOW that what I can accomplish is to live tomorrow as it comes - one second, minute, hour, day at a time. And in all of that, to remember that I can be a good one at whatever I am doing.

And for right now, it's 12:06 am, so I'm gonna try and be good at sleeping. I'll start with that for now ;) (I know I can be good at that!!)