Saturday, October 18, 2008

"a man's face is his autobiography"

I lived in the Holy Land for 4 months of my life. It was an experience that will be imprinted on my heart forever. From the first day there to the last, I enjoyed taking pictures of the many beautiful and diverse people that surrounded me. I learned a lot from looking at their faces. I often caught myself wondering what their story was...what was going on in their lives right at that moment in time. These are my pictures of the people I lived among. These are many of the reasons why I miss it. Every day.

que disfrute las fotos!


Erin said...
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Erin said...

These are good pics! By the way, I really wanted to go slack lining with you the other day, but my phone was on silent so I didn't get the text until 8:00 when I realized my phone hadn't rang for a few hours.

Carlee Ann said...

I love these! I miss it!

Miss K$ said...

Im jealous- it looks like you have an awesome camera and a good eye. Neither of which I am blessed with!